Golden Friday: boops spendet an die neuen Salzburger Schutzunterkünfte

Golden Friday: boops donates to the new “Salzburger Schutzunterkünfte”

The end of November means spending cozy evenings on the sofa, drinking hot chocolate and - especially on Black Friday - shopping online and already buying the first Christmas gifts at promotional prices. With our "Golden Friday", matching our jewelry made of real gold, there is also a discount in the boops online store. But since not everyone can enjoy the cold season on a cozy couch, we also start a fundraising campaign.

Golden Friday instead of Black Friday

Not everyone has it nice, cozy and contemplative: Many people - especially women - live with great worries, fears and problems in Austria. That's why we at boops have decided to turn our Golden Friday into "Giveback Friday". This means: In addition to the discount code, we donate a portion of our earnings to a project that benefits many women in Salzburg until the end of the year.

What is important to us when donating

For me as the founder of boops (by the way, my name is Rana, Welcome!), it was very important that our donation does something good for women - and especially for those who, with a mother tongue other than German, face very special hurdles in Salzburg. I immediately thought of the "Verein Viele" - because it had already supported me in a difficult situation. So I know the great work of the committed people in the association from personal experience. I'll tell you exactly what the association does in a moment. In a conversation with Gabriele Rechberger, the head of the association, I learned about a new project that currently needs a lot of help.

Donation to the new "Salzburger Schutzunterkünfte"

In a joint venture with "Jugend am Werk", the "Verein Viele" has been responsible for the new "Salzburger Schutzunterkünfte" for some time. These are women's shelters that are run by the association. The big goal here is for women to find their way back into life from a difficult situation instead of being seen as victims.

By the way, the Salzburger Schutzunterkünfte have been around for quite some time. But it was only recently that the project was in search of a new director. And in the process, the "Verein Viele", in cooperation with "Jugend am Werk", won: With a concept that now determines the new direction of the "Salzburger Schutzunterkünfte". On the one hand, the focus is on ensuring comprehensive support throughout the state of Salzburg with additional protective housing - because until now, the offer was rather pointed with fewer locations. And at the same time, the focus should now be on the independence of the women in order to enable them to live as normal a life as possible with their families.

This is what our Golden Friday donation does

Living a self-determined life means more than just having a roof over one's head. Therefore, we would like to support those women who live in Salzburg's shelters with important equipment for their daily needs. Beds, mattresses and refrigerators for the shelters are currently on the list. The apartments are mainly occupied by women who are seeking protection together with their children. And having their own refrigerator and a new, large bed simply gives the families more self-determination.

With every purchase at boops you can make your contribution to support the Salzburg shelters with beds, mattresses and small refrigerators. And you can do so from our Golden Friday - that is also a Giveback Friday - and until the end of the year. We are sure: Together we can do a lot of good.

This is how the association supports many women - and also men

In addition to its commitment to Salzburg's shelters, the "Verein Viele" is committed to helping women and also men who need support in a variety of ways. In addition to the women's shelter for those in acute need, there are also numerous other offers of help. The special thing about this is that the association, as a non-profit limited liability company, offers support in a variety of languages.

Support services such as family counseling and couples counseling, legal counseling, psychological counseling and talk therapy can thus be provided in the native languages of the women and men: This contributes enormously to how well the counseling works. In addition, language classes in German are also offered, as well as support for children, in order to make life in Salzburg easier for the women and their kids.

For all this support and assistance, the "Verein Viele" relies on donations. Therefore, it is all the more important that the new "Salzburg Schutzunterkünfte" are also supported. So feel free to look around the boops store at your leisure or use our discount code directly while it is valid. From Golden Friday until the end of the year you can contribute to the self-determined life of the women in the shelters.

Here you can find the link to the website of the association!